Visitors : It's our turn!
>> Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's not that long since I was dishing out advice to Notsupermum about getting rid of lice. How quickly the tide turns and it's my turn to take the same advice. I thought that it was all behind us (4 years since the last visit).
So, what has happened? Year 6 (daughter's year) are regularly helping out in the Foundation unit is my best guess at the source. She has her hair tied up at school to within an inch of it's life but that doesn't take into account friends who pick them up and then stay over with hair touching opportunities abounding. Clever Little beggars aren't they lice - I know they are just dreadful but you've got to respect their tenacity (you scratching yet?)
So onto the program, wish us luck!
* PS I would like to credit NotSuperMum with having the best blog post title I have ever seen "My week in Retrospect, or my ex-husband is a git"