Microdiscectomy Gristle (2 days post-op)

>>  Thursday, February 09, 2012

A number of you have asked how I'm doing and I really appreciate it, so I thought I'd better tell you...I'm fine.

Well actually I feel like utter crap.  I seem to only be able to stay awake about 2 hours and I need to snooze, I'm as sore as a sore thing but other than that, I am fine!

Before the surgery I was worried I was taking the right decision having it.  The pain in my leg was lessening and I spoke to my original consultant about whether there was a chance it could heal on it's own.  His words were "it's a bit of a lottery". 

I'm pleased I went for it in the end as this is what was taken off my sciatica.  This wasn't going to go away on it's own. It's about 1cm round.

It was a lovely treat to wake up looking at it strapped to my pillow at eye level.  Ahhh, these surgeons! How we laugh.....all the same I'm glad they let me see it.

The only thing now is this surgery hasn't actually 'fixed' my back.  There is still a hole, still a rupture.  That still has to heal.  This will take time and patience. 

Enough activity to not allow bad scar tissue to form, not so much as to prevent healing or even worse cause it to rupture and leak further.

I'm really worried right now about what is the 'right thing to do' and have no one to ask, no where to turn to.  I seem dependent on google.  And as previously discussed this is never a good thing.

I've left a message for the consultant to call me, I'd love to know why I can't feel my left foot at all right now!!!

I have created a page of links for my Microdiscectomy posts and other links I have found helpful. You can find it here.


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