About Me

Kelloggsville is a term I have used for many years to describe advertisers ideal home life.  The mum that smiles in the bemused but happy manner as children and dogs run mud over her just cleaned floor and she cleans it all again before strolling off to be part of the Diet Coke ad at the perfect office.  The husband, forever understanding, that comes straight from the Gillette ad and tosses children happily into the air when arriving home after a days rewarding work. And those gorgeous, cute, clever and politely cheeky children with sun kissed curls.

That IS NOT my life!

I'm KV.  Fiftysomething.  2 marriages (in succession not at the same time), 2 cats, numerous missing and dead hamsters, a full time IT professional and a very traditional husband HWMBO (HeWhoMustBeObeyed).  Mum to Cog (ChildOfGuiding) who was a child when I first started writing and has now grown up.

When I'm not working, cooking, ironing, gardening, decorating (oh you know the list) I'm a Guider.  I run a Ranger (Senior Section) unit and help out at my local Brownie unit too, I dib in and out of Rainbows and Guides.  I often mentor new leaders.  I love Guiding.  It gives me a sense of belonging. It is my leveler of what is important and moralistically right.  I know I am helping to shape the good citizens of the future and above all it is fun.

Contact me at aguidinglife(at)gmail.com

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