Rural Traffic Chaos

>>  Thursday, March 31, 2011

My usual daily 'commute' may seem like it doesn't compare with the stress of the trek up and down the motorway but let me point out...
Today I had to contend with 3 sets of horses riding 2 abreast, a tractor, a huge hedge cutter, an abandoned lorry in the middle of a single track road, 2 sets of ramblers and a man with a wheelbarrow walking up the middle of the road.

So don't talk to me about stress full driving, man I'm feeling it !!!


French Plaiting and Braiding, a quick demonstration.

>>  Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This week's Gallery is Hair. 

A while back I did a post called Hair Raising which covered different hair styles I do for my daughter.

These 2 pictures produced a lot of questions about how to do it, perhaps because it keeps long hair off the face so well without the need for any 'furniture', which makes it really comfy.

So I've done a video to show how I do it.

I've always tied my daughter's hair up for school, mainly because it's the best way to avoid nits.  Have you seen how young girl's hair intermingles whilst they play?  If you are unfortunate enough to get visitors, I seriously recommend you follow this program.  Follow it to the letter and it works. no chemicals required. 


Men are like a box of chocolates

>>  Monday, March 28, 2011

I have been wishing (with special fairy dust and everything) for something romantic to happen recently, and I have come to the usual harsh truth that I married the wrong nationality.

The standard Aussie bloke is never going to be Richard Gere in pretty woman.  But then if we lumped together all the American men and squeezed them out of a mold, they are unlikely to come out like Richard Gere either!

The British?! Possibly, provided the footy isn't on, we remember Friday is for the lads and you have to understand you get a good deal at Pizza Hut.

Oh the Italians, fine men, so swarve, so refined and so unfaithful.  I'll put the French into that bucket too!

So where have all the hero's gone?  There's a lot of Spaniards in my life at the moment and very dashing they are too.  Not quite all Enrique (I'd settle for his father!) but my word, I think they would give him a run for his money, but I think temper sparks would fly far too often.

So which nation do you think is most likely to turn out a true romantic?  I have a horrible feeling I'm turning into Shirley Valentine, please interrupt me if you catch me talking to the wall.



Why a man should remember

>>  Sunday, March 27, 2011

I knew he'd forgotten our anniversary, I was sort of giving him the benefit of the doubt thinking that maybe there was a surprise up his sleeve but no, he had forgotten.

Although he says he hadn't forgotten, apparently forgetting implies that it isn't important.  He says it is important to him, which is why he hadn't 'forgotten'.  He had simply 'failed to remember'. 

That is why he is in management!  However, I also understand Adam's Equity Theory for job motivation.

I see remembering our anniversary as part of the reward and recognition.  As it says, people become demotivated and reduce input and or seek change/improvement whenever they feel their inputs are not being fairly rewarded.

I think the key words here are reduce input.  I am not intensely upset he forgot but to be quite honest, I don't feel particularly motivated to iron his shirts or supply any of the other perks that a wife might feel like supplying had her significant other chosen to remember.

I also think that he is probably going to have to try a little bit harder in playing catch up now to lift me out of this malaise.  It doesn't count that he brought flowers home this afternoon, I selfishly want to say "it's too late".  Despite him only 'failing to remember' rather than forgetting, I am hurt. I'm not upset, not grumpy, not even a little bit grouchy.  I'm quietly hurt inside. A quiet, nagging hurt.  A 'I'm not important to him' hurt and that sort of hurt needs healing quickly before it turns into resentment.

That is why it is important to remember.  I little investment in your marriage saves a large expense of repair.  It makes complete business sense.




>>  Saturday, March 26, 2011

This picture isn't amazing, it's iphone in bad light. But what it is a photo of amazed me.

I have circled it.  It is a bicycle.  It is in the middle of a very large field.  There are some barns about ½ mile away but other than that, this is a long way from anywhere.

Who the hell cycles this far and then goes "well I might as well walk from here then"

I did find the aftermath of the rural village equivalent of a rave in the woods a little before this.  I can only guess that someone was on their way home and decided to give up trying to keep the bike upright!
I hope they recall where they left it when they finally detox!


Eye Candy always softens the Blow

>>  Friday, March 25, 2011

The bathroom debacle is slowly moving onwards, Mr Plumber has finally stopped knocking me up, and the decorating is in my hands.

I bought paint, sort of a greyee bluee affair but changed my mind as soon as I got home, like you do.  I was in B&Q at 8am yesterday morning, prework, changing it. 

Daughter has been nagging me about painting it the same colour as her bedroom, she said it would be the perfect.  But I want something different.  Coloured rooms the same colour somehow seems a bit naff.

I chose an altogether more 'under the sea' affair, and got the first coat on in my lunch hour (working from home is the best thing ever sometimes).

The more I looked at the walls the more familiar it felt. I tootled out to the garage to check the cans of leftovers.  Yep, you guessed it, it's the same colour as daughter's room.  So I now have 2 half full cans of Ocean Ripple in the garage.

(If you're wondering where the eye candy comes in stay with me!)
I can't face a weekend of nagging HWMBO to put up the fittings so I've treated myself to a man who can this morning.  As an aside, he used to live opposite me and mow the front lawn in remarkably tight shorts, and just for once he is the sort of guy who definitely should do that.

Wonder if he does ironing?...

I love hopping around the blogosphere in hunt of pictures, sometimes you find really interesting blogs. I liked this one.


The Bishop gets groovy

>>  Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This weeks Gallery is Education

There is often nothing more boring to children than church and RE.  Suggest they go to church, especially High Church services, and you see their eyes roll, in fact I can see your eyes rolling now. 
So how to teach children about why we do what we do, what all that crossing means, when it matters when to be quiet when it's ok to stand and shout...the only way to teach a child a lesson they will truly remember is by making it fun.

You can't take yourself too seriously if you want them to remember it.  Even the Bishop knows that the way to teach a child is via the fun gland.

If anywhere had the right to be be sober, boring and take itself too seriously it would be the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham.  What makes them so cool is that they don't, they know what really matters and last weekend it was the children's relationship with Jesus.

I know I promised you Priests dancing with the Nuns, they did too, but I give you the Bishop getting groovy which has to be worth 10 Priests!


Short Wish List : Gym and Babies

>>  Monday, March 21, 2011

Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week  "What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?"

It is an easy answer:

I would buy a house big enough to have a home gym.  Nothing too fancy, no I'm lying, I want it fancy!  Mirrored walls, proper air conditioning, big picture window.  Cross trainer, treadmill, rower.  Yes I want the lot!

And then I would acquire a couple of babies, all the best celebs seem to be able to do it, so would I.

Sad realisation though, is as soon as the babies arrive there would be no time for the gym.  All the kit would be packed away for safety reasons, the mirrors would all have 2 foot high hand prints and I would have stuck a huge messy play table in the middle...

...sorry *sound of needle scratching across record* can I buy a slightly bigger house with extended playroom features, fully decked out with every Letterbox and Great Little Trading Company must have. 

Thanking Notes kindly, the bill is in the post!

Do you know what I found out in the writing of this post, you can actually buy baby gym equipment!  OMG, how cute is that.  Notes add it to my expenses claim please!

I didn't mention the hours part did I! I'd just tag an extra 8 hours onto every day so I could get a decent nights sleep.  Tadaaaa!

What would you do with all the time and money in the world?  Go on make me feel bad and say you would invest in finding a cure for cancer and pay off all the third world debt.  Damn, I wish I'd thought of that!


Too young for Lawn Bowls?

>>  Sunday, March 20, 2011

HWMBO, myself and daughter have all been away this weekend.  Not together though!

Daughter and I have been on pilgrimage to Walsingham, a deeply spiritual and beautiful place.  Normally peaceful but not with 200 kids celebrating a double birthday (the Shrine and Jesus)!

HWMBO on the other hand has been to see his Aussie Metal Mates in Switzerland.  Switzerland seems to be a bit of an Aussie Metal Mate magnet at the moment!  I was rather concerned to receive the message:

"Am I old?  We are discussing Lawn Bowls, I'm not that old am I?"
My immediate worry was that his phone had been stolen by a sober person.  The message was late and literate. 
"who are you are why are you using my husbands phone?!"

He's been working intensely hard recently and needed to let his hair down a bit really.  So I was slightly concerned that it might not all be going to plan.

I travelled home this evening to find him smelling like a brewery and looking suitably rough.  I don't know whether to be the usual wifey disapproving and annoyed or slightly relieved that he clearly did run true to form on a lads night out!

I leave you with husbands bar shot (Jagermeister is our house wine!), clearly slightly shaky by this point.

And my slightly clearer alcohol (it's Lent) free shots of night and day at Walsingham Children's Pilgrimage.


Running with the robin and hanging out with Jesus

>>  Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am so lucky, this was the view on my run last Sunday. The lambs in full tail wag, the hills in the distance.  I live in a beautiful part of the country that nobody else seems to know about.  I like it that way!

With the weather starting to pick up, I've changed my weekend daytime route.  A little robin decided to do at least a mile of it with me.

He hopped and flitted along the hedgerow always about 2 metres ahead of me, like he was saying "come on, come on, catch up!"  It was rather enjoyable just me and him.

I'm off to find out if Jesus is still one cool frood who knows where his towel is this weekend.    If I don't see at least 5 nuns jiving with the Fathers, I'll eat my hat! 


Bubble Bath

>>  Thursday, March 17, 2011

 I put bubble bath into the bubble bath (spa).  Big mistake....
...huge mistake...

...she started to disappear in bubbles...

But what do you do when they won't wash down the sink....

Dump them in the shower!


Cradling the Dead

>>  Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Gallery this week is Trees

This is the American Cemetary near Omaha Beach.  There are 10,000 men buried here.  This tree's branches seemed to reach out over the graves like a mother's arms,  protecting the men and boys from any more harm.
Mother Nature doing for the boys what their own mothers couldn't.


Breakfast in KelloggsVille

>>  Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week  "What are your favourite things?"

There is only one answer I can give :  Breakfast

Everyday at home I get up early to have time to cook breakfast.  It may be ham and eggs, pancakes or just porridge, but me and daughter always eat together and if HWMBO is still in the house he joins in too.

But really my most favourite breakfast is a hotel one.  I love to sit at linen cloths with a paper, be delivered a pot of tea and toast.  To wander up and pick out fruit and cereal and then a little scrambled egg and tomato washed down with a second pot of tea whilst picking out musings from the papers and discussing them...sheer luxury.

I recall so many of these luxuriating moments and yet have no photos from any.  Clearly I'm too 'in the moment' to even contemplate finding a camera.

I do have a picture from the best ever breakfast. My most favourite Australian family, friends and other animals were travelling en masse through Europe.  We went to London to meet with them and so did more Australian friends and the hotel breakfast was the most glorious occasion.  A togetherness, a celebration of a new day, a time of sharing....bliss


Lie Back and Think of England

>>  Sunday, March 13, 2011

We've had a plumber in every weekend 6 weeks running (don't ask), he turns up every Saturday and Sunday at 9am, leaves at 6pm and appears to do very little in between. But yesterday he gave us a treat, he said "10am tomorrow" whoop, whoop..a lie in! (daughter is at dad's)

We both work full time, hubby get up around 5:30am, I get up at 6:15am, there is little opportunity weekdays for getting jiggly (if you catch my drift) and we are morning people!  So this morning was like a date night, a rare opportunity in the current stress train that is our life for some luuuuurving.

9:26 (not tantric I know but hey!) hubby climbs out of bed to shower, he wanders naked onto landing to grab a towel from airing cupboard to be faced with the plumber staring through the front door!  Nottinghill moment!!  He runs back into bedroom and swears.

I grab dressing gown and go let plumber and plumbers mate in!

"Sorry, I though you said 10am today"
"No plasterer is 10am, 9 for me!"
"ahhh, sorry, I was just lying there thinking I could have 5 more minutes"
"Makes a change from thinking of England!"



>>  Saturday, March 12, 2011

I have spoken before about whether it is ok to leave children on their own, for how long and at what age.

I think I have been leaving my daughter for periods alone for longer than many people think suitable. She is now 12.  I went for a walk in the fields with the dogs and came home to this.

I knew she was planning on baking and as I left I was still leaving instructions on oven gloves and fire drill ....

but I think being left to just get on with it did her good.  She has a tendency to give up easily and expect me to step in and finish off for her.  Without me there she got on with it and cleaned up after herself.

I was very impressed.

She was so pleased with herself, it'll give her a big boost of confidence in her own abilities and capability.


Do your gym clothes reveal your age?

>>  Friday, March 11, 2011

I go to circuit training twice a week at different places and I've started to notice that the clothes different people wear tend to fit the decade I would guess they were about 18 in.

There are the ladies in their jersey joggers, fitted cotton pastel t-shirts and head bands. I know they sadly left their leg warmers at home and they started exercising as teens in the 80s to the Jane Fonda workout.

The men in their short shorts and white t-shirts. They are teens of the seventies. Too tight shorts and beards.

The teens in the 90s lads in their footy bottoms and band shirts, I always wonder if they shouldn't be in bed already they look so young and then worry as I watch their muscles flex that there is a cougar in me trying to get out!

There is a separate sect that cross the age band boundaries, the runners. The Lycra, dry fit clad with fluorescent stripes. I sit in that group and feel like a pretend runner with a vpl to worry about.

So what is the correct clothing to wear that means you can invisibly slip into the sweating crowd and not make a statement about your age?


No madam, they are definitely MY knickers...

>>  Thursday, March 10, 2011

A while back Tara at Sticky Fingers did a review of MyNameTags iron on name labels, I commented about the general unreliability of iron in labels and MyNameTags sent me some of theirs to show me they are different.

Back down on a comment, moi? Not without one hell of a battle so I put these labels through one hell of a trial.

What takes the biggest hammering in my attire, well it could only be one take heart dear readers as I bought new M&S white cottons for your enjoyment!

I sewed in a cotton label, ironed in a previously bought label, wrote in laundry marker and ironed in the new MyNameTag label (funky isn't it!).

No one is going to steal my knickers and get away with it now!

I gave them a wash wear week like pants have never seen before.

The sew on label is starting to pucker (but I guess that's down to my bad sewing).  The laundry pen is already washing out.  The 2 iron on labels are still going good but the original type I had is already starting to fray and peel.  Annoyingly the MyNameTag label is exactly as it went on.

And actually these labels are different, they don't have a material feel, they blend with the garment so there are no itchy bits...I have to say they are better.

FINE!  I'll show them I thought!  They also sent me some sticky labels.  I gave them the iphone test. 

A week of permanently in my hand, smeared with marmite (don't ask), make-up, grease, soap.  My iphone takes a battering and the damn sticky label did not move, peel, wear, anything really.
So I admit defeat!  These iron on labels and stickers are better than the competition.  They are going to last and last.  I would still have a supply of sew-ons for making loops on towels (that's a whole Brownie Pack holiday labeling post in itself) and coats but I'm a convert and the people have won my custom.  

There is a massive choice of background and text colours, different fonts and pictures.  These aren't just for labeling kids clothes.  These are for teens stuff (funky fonts and colours), adult stuff (my friend's mum's clothes keeping disappearing in the Nursing home laundry) but my final money goes on the stickers! I like to have a handy supply for lunch boxes, water bottles, rulers, calculators, anything that walks out of the house really.

And if you bump into me in the street and want me to prove a point just ask to see my knickers :0)


Kitten Cute

>>  Wednesday, March 09, 2011

She passes the chocolate box test!

It's a bit like kids really, a shame they have to grow up!


The pain inside

>>  Monday, March 07, 2011

Notes is asking in the I ♥ Me series this week  "Where are you with your New Year resolutions?"

Given that I was doing this on New Years Eve, I was so happy and relaxed I didn't bother to make any New Year resolutions.  Nothing but the current moment seemed to matter.
But every year I swear something will be different by the following New Year, I always swear I will have a new baby, my baby, the one I have been waiting for for 12 years.

Well here we are 1st quarter nearly done and it's not going to happen is it.  The plumbers have been in (for some time!) and they moved a lot of baby car seats, prams, high chairs, bags of baby clothes...all the things I hang onto, waiting, waiting for that special day.  I think it's time to get rid of them.  I have to come to terms with the fact that it isn't going to happen and to be happy with my lot.  It is a very special and beautiful lot that I have but it would have been so good to have had one more chance to cuddle one of these.

So my New Years plan is likely to fail again.

There is a pain inside. 

Back to Desiderata..."Strive to be Happy".

And do you know even through the tears, I am.


You simply must Darling....

>>  Sunday, March 06, 2011

How do you deal with a "You simply must daaaarling"? I can't deal with them at all. They wind me up extraordinarily so.

Whilst discussing plans for our leaders sojourn to Centre Parcs, on saying I hadn't done something before a lady said "oh you just HAVE to do that, we always do that, you simply MUST".

The problem is it annoys me so much, instead of taking what should be helpful advice, I stone wall it with a flat "must I".

I just see it as annoying general one-upmanship. I hate one-upmanship and public own trumpet blowing. Some people seem to do both constantly. If I came back from the Amazon and mentioned my trip someone would say "but did you not hand feed the water buffalo, it was heaven, if you go again you simply must do it darling"


The annoyance factor does ultimately stem from me being so competitive but rarely winning anything. It's a constant battle in my life. Time to get back to Desiderata 'There will ways be greater and lesser persons than you; comparison may render you conceited and bitter'.

Bitter?! Me? Never! I know my place


I picked it up by it's self service throat...

>>  Friday, March 04, 2011

It had been a difficult day from the outset, I was over stretched, out of time and out of patience.

My EX-husband rang to tell me he was ill and would I mind fetching him a can of soup from the shops and take it round to him.  I will point out, I once rang him from a coach trip to the theatre to ask him to pop round to my house to make sure I had turned the oven off.  The street of kindness flows two ways, so I poddled to the supermarket.

A woman can't just buy a can of soup.  Things are on special, shiny lights flash and bargain signs tempt.  So I have a basket full of goodies I didn't need.  The supermarket had forgotten (again) to do the important stuff like employ staff so I went self service.

oh the humanity...

beep, no scan, beep, assistance required...
"there's no one here"
beep, no scan, beep, place item in bagging area, assistance required
"There's no bugger here, I said"
"Oh for F.., just scan will you, oh for.., arrrrrrgh"
"BEEP, place item in..."
"I SAID SHUT UP"  and I gave it the electronic throttling it deserved

As it sanctimoniously thanked me for my custom I told to it to piss off... which point I returned to the sane world and realised I was still in Guiders uniform and daughter was still stood at my side.

Well, if we were all perfect the world would be a boring place and the other shoppers would have nobody to tut and shake their heads at, I bet they went home feeling rather superior.  My usual public service achieved yet again!


Playing with our Childrens minds?

>>  Thursday, March 03, 2011

Source : NotSupermum/
NotSupermum commented on this photo recently, and today GirlGuidingUK has launched a new tool for girls aged 12-16.

It is the latest initiative in GirlGuiding UK’s ongoing commitment to promote body confidence in today’s girls and young women.

Did you know that over 1 in 10 girls aged 11-16 and 48 per cent of young women aged 16-21 would consider cosmetic surgery. Why?!  They are already beautiful, it's just that they forget to notice some days.  Growing up is hard and this media circus world is making it harder.  Skeletal cat walk models and photo air brushing create constant peer pressure.

Go have a look at the tool and encourage your teens to do the same.

Problems with body image isn't just a girl one, boys suffer too.  But probably more silently.

A while back I did my first  post on playing with our childrens minds. I feel very strongly about this.  If you don't have time to go look at it, have a look at these 2 videos which I showed then as well.

Growing up is hard, and chilidren are influenced by unrealistic pictures. These pictures can destroy the confidence which should be helping girls blossom into tomorrow’s leading women.

It's time to tell them the truth, let them know what is fiction and what is real.

Do our children stand any chance of learning to love themselves?  Young girls should not be worrying about plastic surgery, let's re-educate them, together.


Joy in a Milk Shake

>>  Wednesday, March 02, 2011

This weeks Gallery is Simple Pleasures.

We went to London in half term and despite doing a lot of interesting things, the best part of the day was a dessert stop in Harrods.

Does Harrods count as simple pleasures?! Is does when compared to the manic sightseeing and tourist trail we were on.  It was 30 minutes of tranquility in a very busy day.  It was a lovely shared moment.

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